Þingvangur is one of the most distinguished construction companies in Iceland. Since the establishment of Þingvangur in 2006, the company has contributed to the development of diverse housing throughout the country; hotels, office buildings, residential buildings, cottages, industrial buildings, cattle ranches and shopping centers. Þingvangur’s owner, Pálmar Harðarson, board members and key executives all have decades of experience in the construction industry. This experience and emphasis on quality, professionalism and reliability from day one has made Þingvangur one of the country’s most progressive companies in its field.

About 100 people work at Þingvangur, plus a number of subcontractors.

  • Decades of experience in the contracting industry
  • Sale and rent of real estate – hotels, offices, apartments, industrial premises
  • Tender projects and collaborations
  • Own machine department and import of quality materials
  • Own quality system with certification from Frumherji together with the Ajour quality system

History of the company – Pálmar Harðarson, CEO of Þingvangur

„I have worked in this profession almost all my life,” says Pálmar Hardarson, CEO of Þingvangur. “I started working in the construction sector at a young age with my father, Hörður Jónsson, and both my grandfather and great-grandfather built many houses here in the city. When I drive around the capital area and in the countryside, I can point out many houses that my family and I have a part in.“

The years after the economic collapse were challenging for the entire construction industry, but the beginning of Þingvangur´s growth can be traced back to when the company bought the old Industrial School in Akureyri, renovated the building and turned it into an elegant Icelandair hotel. In recent years, Þingvangur has taken part in countless ambitious projects in prominent places, e.g. on Lýsisreitur, Hljólindarreitur and Brynjureitur.

„After we broke through, growth has been rapid and many large projects are in the works. Our activities are by no means limited to the capital area and we have done many large projects in the countryside, e.g. a hotel in Akureyri, a hotel in Höfn in Hornafjörður, a magnificent volcano center in Hvolsvollur, eleven year-round houses in Kjarnskógur, a cafe in Hellnum in Snæfellsnes and one of the largest cattle farms in the country in the town of Sandhóli in Meðaland in Skaftárhreppur.” says Pálmar.

Engine department and own imports

Þingvangur has for a long time imported its own supplies from reliable suppliers around the world. This is done to ensure the quality and availability of resources, but this also keeps costs down, to the benefit of everyone involved in the project. Þingvangur also has its own mechanical and electrical department.

Quality Control

All of Þingvangur´s activities go through an internal quality system that defines countless aspects of the company’s activities and working practices, e.g. all work processes, where and how data is stored and how relations with public bodies are managed.

This is done to ensure consistency and continuity in working methods, and as the years go by, experience and knowledge accumulates, which results in increasingly better projects. Þingvangur´s quality system is certified by Frumherji, which also supervises the system every two years.

Þingvangur has also implementing the Ajour quality system for all internal controls.

Tender Projects

In 2018, Þingvangur started participating in tender projects. These include a tool house in Örfirisey for Reykjavík, extensive changes in Korputorg, where ÍSAM intends to move its operations, including Kexverksmiðjan Frón and Myllan, and changes and interior renovations for Vodafone’s specialized operations on Suðurlandsbraut.

Laugarnesbyggð / Köllunarklettur –two Smáralindir in building size

One of the most exciting projects in the making of Þingvangur is the so-called Laugarnesbyggð below Kleppsvegur. A development site where the building volume could be comparable to two Smáralindir shopping centers.


At Þingvang, we welcome any questions and suggestions. Feel free to call or send an email and we’ll get back to you!

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